clams (palourdes)

Clams are fished at low tide when the shallows where they live are uncovered; they prefer mud and sand. They are located thanks to the two holes they leave on the surface and they are dug out using a special fork. They are in effect sedentary, moving at most 6m per month approximately.
Clams feed by filtration of plankton in suspension and deposits. The siphons are extensions that suck up and force back the water, the gills then intervene in the breathing, filtration and nutrition process - the bringing of food particles towards the mouth.

The minimum permitted size in France is 3.5cm at the longest point.


Clams may be eaten raw and are much appreciated in this manner. They are a good source of fat-free protein and omega 3 and are particularly rich in zinc, phosphorous, copper, selenium, vitamins B2 and B12 and iron (4 times richer in iron than a portion of calves’ liver in the same quantity). They are also delicious stuffed.